Helpful Information and Resources

The Whole Brain Child - Daniel J. Siegel, MD
Parenting from the Inside Out How a Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive
Daniel J. Siegel, MD and Mary Hartzell, M Ed
Website - Click on the "Connect with Kids" tab
The Science of Parenting
Margot Sunderland
The Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens
Gina M. Biegel, MA, LMFT
The Mindful Child How to help your kid manage stress and become happier, kinder and more compassionate
Susan Kaiser Greenland
10 Ways to Teach Mindfulness to Children
Eline Snel
Waking Up A parent's guide to mindful awareness and connection
Raelynn Maloney, PhD
Child's Mind Mindfulness Practices to help our chilren be more focused, calm, and relaxed
Christopher Willard
Parenting Pamphlets by Patty Wipfler, available from from Hand in Hand
Raising Cain Protecting the emotional life of boys
Dan Kindlon, PhD and Michael Thompson, PhD
Coping With Stress: 7 Tips for Overcoming Life’s Obstacles

1. Bring Mindful Awareness to unhelpful patterns of thinking and judging.
2. Recognize invitations to question the fixed ideas that keep you stuck.
3. Accept the invitations and ask, "What else could be true or possible about this?"
4. Practice Self-Compassion
5. Practice daily moments of being still and being quiet.
6. Expect problems, they're part of life.
7. Nurture a relationship to stress that includes all of the above.
Grief and Loss

When Things Fall Apart: heart advice for difficult times
Pema Chodron
Life Lessons: Two experts on death and dying teach us about the mysteries of life and living
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and David Kessler
Love, Medicine, and Miracles Lessons learned about self-healing from a surgeon's experience with exceptional patients
Bernie Siegel, MD
Who Dies an investigation of conscious living and conscious dying
Stephen Levine
Understanding Grief Helping Yourself Heal
Alan D. Wolfelt, PhD
​ Infographic: How to tell if you're depressed
Trauma and Addiction: Tools for Recovery

"Not everyone who experiences trauma becomes an addict. But I've never met an addict without a trauma history." Gabor Mote
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts
Gabor Mate
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma
Besel Van der Kolk
Quit Like a Woman: The radical choice to not drink in a culture obsessed with alcohol
Holly Whitaker
Drink: The intimate relationship between women and alcohol
Ann Dowsett Johnston
Clean: Overcoming addiction and ending America's greatest tragedy
David Sheff
How Men Face Trauma: Good men project
Sean Swabe